Becca Hannigan
Becca Hannigan is a Denver-based writer, teacher, and editor. They earned an MFA from UNC Wilmington, where they taught creative writing and worked as fiction editor for Ecotone. They also work as assistant director of the Sewanee Young Writers’ Conference.

The Promised Land | Story Quarterly
Nothing More American | The Lumiere Review
Exit | CHEAP POP Lit
The Last Supper We Ate That I Didn’t Make | Cosmonaut Avenue
Dead or Spring; Dirt; Looking So Hard | The Rumpus
Little | Map Literary
Inside Kid | Colorado Emerging Writers, Z Publishing
When She Leaves | Suspect Press
That Time; Doctor; Second Date | Juked
If That’s What You’re Asking | wigleaf | Best of the Net Nominee
That Kind of Lonely; Fault | Stain’d
Drier Every Day | Suspect Press
One of Those Nights | Queen Mob’s Tea House
On Being a Good Person | Stain’d
On Quarantine and EDs | 303 Magazine